Success Stories

Celebrating Success Stories

From champions of women's economic empowerment

Meet Gwendolyn Torres Philippines

CEO | Retail & E-commerce | Micro enterprise

What was one of your major obstacles in managing a business before you joined the mentorship program, and how has the mentorship program helped you overcome that obstacle? 

My biggest challenge prior to joining this program was creating an organizational structure and financial documents to present to investors.  

My mentor guided me in organizing my thoughts and my presentation into a coherent case that made it possible for me to present to investors.  Unfortunately, due to the economic impact of the pandemic, the investor had to pull out. However, I was able to shift the business and make it the most lucrative it has been since its inception. Although we have not finished our fiscal year yet, we have already doubled our sales from 2019.   

I do not think this would have been possible without the guidance of my mentor. She gave me the confidence and ability to be able to tackle challenges and reveal to all of us how social enterprise is of value to society and worthy of our investment. 

What is one key takeaway that you have learned from the mentorship program? 

One key takeaway I have learned is that, in terms of personal leadership, it's important to be clear about your direction and have the data and evidence to back up your beliefs. In such challenging times, it has helped me move forward with confidence in my problem-solving skills and ability to communicate why these solutions are necessary and effective. 

If you were to recommend this mentorship program to someone, what advice would you give as a mentor or as a mentee? 

Be honest about where you're at both personally and professionally, especially with any weaknesses you may have. In doing so, your mentor can truly guide you. Setting up a business is difficult in every way, both emotionally and financially. A trusting relationship with a mentor that has your best interests in mind can leverage their expertise in areas you may need further help in.