Success Stories

Celebrating Success Stories

From champions of women's economic empowerment

Meet Nina Penner Canada

Founder | Leadership Development | Micro enterprise

What are three benefits you’ve experienced as a result of joining the mentorship program? 

As a mentor in the Mentoring Women in Business Program, I learned more about the business culture and challenges faced in another part of the world. As a result of this experience, I also learned more about my own capacity to provide support and guidance for my mentee in areas where I had not experienced challenges and obstacles before. Finally, through this process I also gained a friend who I can continue to learn from. 

What is one key takeaway that you have learned from the mentorship program? 

I am thankful that I had the opportunity to gain an understanding of people in other parts of the world who function within completely different business realities, social cultures and political contexts. My experience in the program has revealed how these different environments have the power to transform how we function in our own everyday business operations.    

If you were to recommend this mentorship program to someone, what advice would you give as a mentor or as a mentee? 

As a mentor, take the time to get to know your mentee, their culture, their business challenges, goals, and operational structure, among other things, before diving in and trying to assist with the challenges your mentee has identified. This will solidify a relationship of trust and help you to understand the context of their business situation. In return, this will allow mentors to provide support more effectively when mentees bring forward new challenges throughout your relationship.