Human Resources

hr banner

Your company is competing for workers with other Peruvian enterprises and  international companies. How can your business find the workers it needs and meet production requirements? How will you find and retain the most reliable and productive employees for your MSME? The time and attention you put into staff not only makes your business run better; it builds your reputation as a good company and an excellent place to work.


recruitment iconYou will attract different types of potential employees depending on where you publish your job postings and the type of information you include. How can you recruit the right people? First, consider where the types of employees you are seeking will be looking for work.

Traditional Recruitment Methods

Here are some traditional recruiting options with advantages and disadvantages.

trad recruitment

New-Technology Recruitment Methods

Cellphones and social media have changed the way people search for work and the way MSMEs find team members. The following are some new recruiting options and their advantages and disadvantages.

new tech recruitment

What Information Do You Need to Be Ready for Recruiting?

11 Sources to Drive Traffic to Your Job Listings here.

Best practices for sharing a job posting online: How to promote jobs on your company LinkedIn page.

Best practices for recruiting via social media: How to recruit on social media.

Recruitment in Peru: Labour and Employment Law

Guide to labour rights of workers in Peru (Ministry of Labour and Promotion of Employment)

Blue Sparrow - Blue Sparrow, is a US-based non-profit organization that works for rural communities, children and adolescents in Peru who live in extreme poverty.

Texto Único Ordenado del D. Leg. N° 728, Ley de Productividad y Competitividad Laboral DECRETO SUPREMO Nº 003-97-TR

Ley de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo- LEY Nº 29783

Reglamento de la Ley Nº 29783, Ley de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo

Ley que prohíbe la discriminación remunerativa entre varones y mujeres - LEY Nº 30709

Reglamento de la Ley Nº 30709, Ley que prohíbe la discriminación remunerativa entre varones y mujeres DECRETO SUPREMO Nº 002-2018-TR

Online Recruitment

Posting your job vacancy on recruitment websites can help connect you connect with the right candidates and increase the number of views your posting gets at no cost.

Recruitment and Job Posting Websites in Peru




Empleos Peru


Portal Trabajo



Portal Trabajo



El Empleo


Software for Human Resource Management

hr software iconHuman resource management is a challenge for businesses, especially when expanding and adding staff.

Visit this website to compare some free HR software options available for your business that may help.

Top Free HR Software Top Open Source HR Software
Bitrix24 IceHrm
Factorial Jorani Odoo
Teamdeck OrangeHRM
WebHR Sentrifugo
Zoho People  

Unconscious bias is a mix of attitudes, stereotypes, and cultural norms we have about different types of people. Embedding diversity and inclusion strategies into your MSME will give your business a better chance of succeeding long-term. Companies that understand their unconscious bias are:

  • More innovative
  • Smarter
  • Better decision makers
  • Solve problems more effectively
  • Understand the needs of a diverse and global customer base
icluding women


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